Have you ever had difficulties explaining something at your dentist’s or doctor’s? How do you say UBYTEK, MIGDAŁY or OSPA in English? What does ANGINA really mean in English? Amanda and Andrew help you with these terms and more as they explain to you the problems they’ve had in Polish when using these words. Stay healthy this winter!


Christmas is just around the corner! Are you ready to talk about the holidays in English? Amanda and Andrew are here to help you explain Polish Christmas traditions and words, such as GWIAZDKA, KOLĘDA and PASTERKA, into English. They also talk about traditions in the U.S. At ŚWIAT JĘZYKÓW, we wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


AMANDA & ANDREW are at it again. This time round they decided that once and for all, they needed to figure out what are the proper terms we use for FURNITURE. „The devil is in the detail.” Table and chair may be easy enough? But what about KOMODA and KONSOLA or SZAFA and SZAFKA. And then what do you call a ŁAWKA when it’s not in the park, but at church, or at school, or in a boat? And then there are lights! From ŻYRANDOL to KINKIET and PLAFON. AMANDA & ANDREW have difficulty trying to sort out all these terms, but they give you some pointers on how to use ENGLISH more naturally — how to avoid common errors that Poles make when talking about their home furnishings. ENJOY!