Author: Świat Jeżyków
What is RED TAPE? Can you use the word „DOCUMENTATION” in English? How can explain yourself in English when talking about things bureacratic in nature — yet without confusing your listener? AMANDA and ANDREW are back with the most horrible of topics — DOCUMENTATION and BUREAUCRACY!! Hardly anyone’s favorite topic, it is a necessary one. As much as we avoid talking about paperwork, sometimes we need to explain ourselves in English. Amanda and Andrew try to help as they attempt to explain the differences between UMOWA o PRACĘ, UMOWA ZLECENIE, and UMOWA O DZIEŁO. They try to clear up what ZAŚWIADCZENIE in English without confusing the idea with OŚWIADCZENIE. And there are many, many other confusing terms. Enjoy!
You would think that „WINDOW” is a relatively easy, basic word, right? Amanda & Andrew, however, have had so many problems with OKIENKO, WITRYNA — not to mention anything that you put on them from FIRANKA and ZASŁONA to ROLETY and ŻALUZJE. This episode, AMANDA & ANDREW attempt to translate these terms and many others. So, the next time you meet a native speaker at ŚWIAT JĘZYKÓW, you can correct him/her 😀 when they simply say CURTAINS for everything.
What are PIEROGI in English? How you can explain the dish? What about all those varieties of dumplings like KLUSKI ŚLĄSKIE, PYZY, KOŁDUNY, or KLUSKI NA PARZE? Can we use DUMPLINGS for everything? What do natives think when you use the word DUMPLING? Are NALEŚNIKI simply PANCAKES? Or would it better to say CREPES or BLINTZES? Not to mention RACUCHY and all the other flour dishes, from Poland and abroad. AMANDA & ANDREW attempt to tackle the topic of flour dishes in this episode. Maybe, next time a foreigner asks you to recommend a dish you will be able to explain your favorite flour dish a bit better 🙂